I will try to answer any questions you have from my site that I can answer.
Please give me any feedback you have on my website.
Is there anything I need to add or change on this site
Open from 8am till 10pm
Shady Customers calling me:
I have potential customers all the time that just want to talk about their conditions. They want to talk to someone for free. They don't want to pay "just to talk". They feel they can get around going to a health practitioner and using my site as a way to talk for free. Some people even don't even put their phone number on the form and don't even make an effort to talk to us. They ask something like, "I have fibromyalgia, how can the mat help me? I see these people as "shoppers". 9 times out of 10 these people are a wasting of my time when I could be helping someone who really needs my help. The customer calls us with the promise of a free consultation and has no appreciation of my time. They wanna tell me everything about their history, their dog, and how their husband won't eat organic.
The purpose of my Biomat quiz is to bring up all the relevant concerns that might come up using a Biomat. Once this is done and I can give a strong opinion on the best practice of using the Biomat. Those that don't take my quiz will get no longer than 5 minutes when calling me. I lose a lot of customers this way but at least I don't waste my time anymore. For those wanting my help, my main ground rule is to take my quiz.
Contact me here
...because no one gave me advice after I bought my first Biomat