Biomat 30 minute sessions:
The 30 minute Biomat session is usually done "the right way" by those who have already raised their core temperature up 3 degrees on a rebounder or by exercising that burned at least 300 calories prior to the Biomat session. This way, no time is wasted raising the core temperature higher on the Biomat and the Biomat can be turned down close to normal body temperature and only the long, cooler far infrared rays are being emitted.
So many people go on the Biomat at clinics for a 30 minute session, or even pay for an hour session and since it usually is done by people who are clothed, this blocks most of the far infrared and almost all of the convection that laying on the mat naked on a water proof pad would give. I personally like the single size Biomat as it has the clear urethane on the amethyst and not the fabric cover that still lets the far infrared go through but those rocks that you feel touching that paper thin water proof cover really add convection heat that the others with the cloth don't. Many people who are using the Richway Biomat for longer than 30 minutes won't mind as they are going to a longer session.
With the 30 minute session, having a mat on top and below adds enough fluence that I approve of having 30 minutes of far infrared directed at the body is enough. With the single size on the bottom and the water proof cover on it on maximum heat while the mini mat is on low on the top half of the body so that my organs get all the far infrared. Having this full spectrum makes all the difference in the world.
In the 30 minute session, on maximum heat, it should be done with caution as many people starting out can't do this for 30 minutes especially if the mini mat is on top of them. For most people just starting out, 30 minutes is all they can handle. It is a huge challenge to go for 1 hour on a full spectrum Biomat with the bottom on high and the top mat on low. Even 30 seconds past the suffering point can be too severe for many people. When the body can't release all the toxins the fat is releasing it can be a big problem.
The best way I have learned to increase my session times past 30 minutes is to only add 30 seconds to each future session. I always see what my base tolerance level is. I've learned that 30 minutes is usually enough time to burn 300 calories for most people. Turning the heat intensity down on the bottom mat will help people get up to a 30 minute session. The first 5 to 7 sessions people usually figure out their tolerance level.
Note: the 30 minute session ONLY starts after the core is heated up 3 degrees when I refer to the 30 minute session. If at least 300 calories aren't burned then enough lipolysis hasn't taken place. The whole purpose of this is to release for most people. It can take some people twice to 3 times as long to heat their core 3 degrees. I always recommend monitoring the body's temperature so people know when their core is raised 3 degrees. Once people are more in tune with how they heat up it will usually become second nature.
Note: when I calibrate sessions times it is always on the Biomats with the amethyst exposed under the urethane. The fabric on the Professional Biomat lowers the conduction a little more. The single size Biomat is just a little longer and wider and there is more heat conduction since there is one less layer. Also, I like the single size since I can keep my arms not so stiff and close to my body. My armpits get clammy more unless I can spread my arms out.
My goal is to achieve a fever for at least 30 minutes on my Biomat. For shorter sessions, I can tolerate raising my core temperature much higher than longer sessions.
Note: the protocols to take in a shorter session are different than those doing longer sessions. If you are looking to do shorter more frequent sessions rather than longer sessions, let me know on my Biomat Questionnaire.