Master Level Biomat:
Those at this level have already learned that the real benefit at this level is at the low levels while in full spectrum the body stays at 2 to 3 degrees over the normal body temperature.
Those using the Biomat on a Master Level do not do this every day but only when necessary.
Note: the body can only absorb a maximum capacity of far infrared. By having more fluence when the tissues are already at its maximum is just overkill. Last thing people want is to drain there energy. Those at this level know how to balance their sessions so they can preserve their energy accordingly.
Although the soft far infrared is very soothing, people (or dogs) at this level can have intense full spectrum sessions while getting the FIR at the same time. People at this level are more accustomed to raising their core temperature so many times that most have worked their way up to 3 degrees over their normal body temperature. Very few people start out that same day and can do sessions like this. People who have mastered the Biomat also sweat twice as fast as beginners who haven't used their Biomat on a regular basis yet.
Those who have worked their way up to handle longer sessions with their core raised 2 to 3 degrees will find they can handle even more.
Using a salve or balm on the body can help block the evaporative effect of sweating. Those that use a salve during their session can raise their core temperature MUCH FASTER and can increase it even higher. People sweat way more when they do this but those doing this need to be very careful as the core can get too hot. Monitoring the temperature of the body should be mandatory if doing this. I learned this at the Russian bath house I used to go to. I kept seeing people put oil on them. I could not figure it out. They were putting castor oil on them. This is what most people use to block sweat evaporation in the sauna. If doing this on the Biomat I would not do this without putting the water proof pad on. I have learned so many tips on how to do this and they all conflict. Some people say do it once you sweated 50% of your session, others say put it on when you first get in. Others say get all the sweat out in your first session and go cool down and put the oil on for the 2nd session.
As people do this they will learn what works best for them. The goal is to not dehydrate and lose too much water but enough to rid whatever someone is trying to get rid of.
Note: I strongly recommend going someone to do a 1 hour body scrub. Over a pound of this greyish playdough looking stuff comes off the body. It is hard to release when so many pores are clogged. Dry skin brushing can be good for maintenance but if someone hasn't been doing this regularly, a good body scrub at a local spa can give a big jumpstart. Also, when dry skin brushing, I do this BEFORE my session. When I take a bath afterwards my Biomat session, I use a loofah and scrub even more. All the pores are open and during the hot bath (as hot as I can take), I am still sweating and trying to release whatever was trapped in my pores.
Note: I do this once I get my flush. Using Niacin before my session and then I wait till I get that "flush" and then I am ready to start. This is done before I take my bath on days I am taking a bath and do it before if I am not planning on taking a long bath afterwards. Also, I use a really high end shower filter (the
****Niacin that people get from the health food stores comes in 2 different types: The type that allows the capillaries in the skin to be flushed with blood and makes people feel like they have an instant sun burn, like a severe sunburn if taken too much, and the NON-Flush type. There is one brand that I recommend and most people buy the cheapest brand that is not the best. Also, many people buy the wrong type and don't get the benefits they are looking for. Also, when taking the bath after the session, if taken too much Niacin the bath can help alleviate the sunburn feeling. I take about 500 milli grams each time I do it but most find that 250 is enough. Also, I DO NOT RECOMMEND TAKING NIACIN ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. I have more tips but it depends on the persons body ecology using it. All I can say is if you don't consult with someone that knows what they are doing, just be careful! I mean that.
Note: Diet is the symptom of ecology. I am only interested in the cause of the diet. The symbiotic relationship is between the person and the their flora. If there is no relationship between the person and the flora then it doesn't really matter what a person eats. The aerobic bacteria eats all the junk out of my body and there is no need for colonics, cleanses, pills, or anything that someone tries to sell me.
If anyone is considering using niacin and doing master level sessions and wants to get help based on their level of use, let me know on my Biomat Quiz. I do not discuss this stuff with beginner Biomat users or even those who have used the Biomat as there can be many variables preventing someone doing an intense cleanse.