Rebounding and Biomats - Before or after is the big question and different for each person.

This is all about lipolysis. Many people go in saunas or lay on the mat and think that magically all the byproducts of each calorie of fat burned is just gonna dissapear from the body and be sweated out. These are not freakin water soluble toxins. Fat soluble. The sweat glands are not attached to the lymph system. The way the lymph system works is it creates a negative pressure to pump the waste down the legs and up to the liver. 80% of the lymph vessels are in the leg. That's why you see people who can't sit still alway tapping one leg, and not the other leg.

When the body is warm and the blood vessels are dilated, it is easier for blood to pump to areas that normally get constricted. So, using infrared heat to heat the body's core is only one part of the 2 step process.
​I have been rebounding and using my Biomat way before I saw this video. I personally rebound AFTER my sauna session. Not before. I understand that most people have clogged lymph nodes and a sluggish lymph system and might need to rebound before heating up their body on the mat. I still believe it is better to rebound longer after the session rather than before. If I have been sedentary for a long time and my lymph system needs to be drained I would rebound before my sweat session because I want my lymph system to be clean if I am going to do a very long sweat session.

​Note: if considering taking Niacin for the first time, please consult your doctor. I don't want to be responsible for telling someone what dose to take and next thing they feel awful and feel like their fat is about to explode. As far as myself, my body tells me when I have had too much or not enough.

Note: Redness happens when my fat breaks down too fast. Blood comes to the skin's surface and makes it red. I have always been told to only start with 50mg and work my way up.

Remember, the whole time I am on my Biomat I am conscious if I am mobilizing and how much and then how I'm gonna eliminate it.
Release then remove.... or vice versa with certain people.

Note: Oxygen rich blood from too much oxygenation to painful areas in the body and too much flushing away acidic wastes from lipolysis can bring can cause even more pain, more inflammation, and soreness when the goal is to loosen up the stiffness in the muscles. If this is done wrong, it can be really bad.
...because no one gave me advice after I bought my first Biomat
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Waterproof Biomat

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...because no one gave me advice after I bought my first Biomat
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Waterproof Biomat

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The Lymphaciser (rainbow model) and the Cellerciser PRO are the two rebounders I recommend. The Lymphaciser and Cellerciser both have 2 different type of bounces. One has deep bounces and fewer but more forceful bounces and the other has over twice as many bounces per minute (more lymph turns) but less G force.
Note: I only recommend the Lymphaciser for those that do not have knee or joint problems. The springs are about half the size of the Cellerciser PRO springs. Cellerciser springs weight 106G and the Lymphaciser 52 to 54 grams. The Lymphaciser springs for heavier people must be changed out regularly.