Full Spectrum Biomat
For non full spectrum sessions, the Biomat is set at one temperature. On the high, it puts out mostly near infrared and LOW far infrared.
On the lowest settings, it puts out mostly FAR infrared and little deep penetrating near infrared heat.
If not doing full spectrum sessions, I recommend pre heating the Biomat for about 45 minutes so it is hot when you get on it. Once after about 30 minutes of laying on it and my core is up a few degrees, then I turn it down to the lowest levels to soak up the far infrared. Many people just turn it up high and get near infrared like a heating pad and never have the time to use it at low levels unless they are sleeping on it.
NOTE: The temperature of the mat is not as important as receiving the deep rays.
Matter is the product of infinite cosmic power.
It may be possible, with the perfection of body ecology, to become resonant with this power thus realizing enormous practical value in our lives.
Cosmic power is usable in a very practical sense for the rejuvenation of body, soul and spirit.
Solar, lunar and terrestrial power are also abundant and useful.
Sin might reasonably be defined as any thought, word or deed that, in the aggregate, militates against life.
Righteousness improves the possibility if not the probability of long abundant life.
The healing wisdom within us far exceeds holistic medicine.
Perfection of body ecology does not require a diet, elimination of favorite foods or exclusively raw cuisine.
A detox diet can cause unacceptable stress as foods necessary for adequate nerve force and cellular stimulation are suddenly denied.
Adequate body flora may be capable of providing most of the nutrients necessary for nerve force and chemical stimulation of cells.
We are designed to get our energy from ions (charged particles) suspended in water.
Substances secreted by the hypothalamus may help form a network of neurons supplying our identity and reality.
Approximately 95% of serotonin, our body's primary 'feel good' substance, resides in the small intestine.
The small intestine contains about fifty billion nerve endings or one quarter of our body's total.
With perfect body ecology it is possible to enjoy foods for their benefits rather than sensory appeasement, gratification or comfort.
With perfect body ecology, muscle development and weight gain or loss are possible with minimal resistance and lymphatic exercises.
Gentle lymphacising could be the best form of exercise for anyone.
Only gentle exercise may be appropriate with compromised body ecology.
A mainly raw food diet can be beneficial but is not required for the improvement of body ecology.
Conventional wisdom is currently stuck on primacy of genes and dependency on drugs.
Our environment and our subconscious responses to it control how we continuously adapt ourselves to its changes.
Perhaps we should consider returning to the original mission of science - to gain an understanding of Nature that we might live in harmony with it.
Determinism has led to the over use of medicament perpetuating a Newtonian mechanistic model of biological processes.
When genes are needed, signals from the environment, not internal properties of the genes, call them forth.
Genes may be thought of as Nature's blueprints which cannot determine whether they will be read.
With about 25,000 genes, from perhaps thousands of ancestors, it may be reasonable to conclude we each possess an abundance of adaptive capabilities.